Late last Friday, YIPA’s Executive Director, J. Scott Beaty learned that a hearing on the Youth Intervention Program bill (HF370) had been scheduled before the House Public Safety & Crime Prevention Policy & Finance Committee. With less than a week to prepare, YIPA staff hurried to pull together materials and supporters to ensure legislators understand the importance of early intervention. They knew that a lot was at stake this Legislative session because the YIP funding must be passed through this committee. HF370 asks to maintain the current funding level of $1.6 million per year, which funds 57 early intervention programs throughout the State of Minnesota. Word spread quickly, and on Wednesday morning, the room was packed with YIPA members, board members, colleagues, constituents, youth and program supporters who came together to rally for the cause.
Carrying the bill (HF370), Republican Steve Smith emphasized the importance of investing in programs now that have been proven to save the state money in the long run. He made several references to the Social Return on Investments (SROI) and answered questions from his cohorts with finesse, confidence and a great deal of knowledge. He is a true champion for kids.
YIPA presented a strong group of testifiers that included those who were impacted both personally and professionally by a Youth Intervention Program. J. Scott Beaty acquainted Legislators with the bulk of information on the Youth Intervention Program, and his urgent message was echoed by James C. Backstrom, Dakota County Attorney; Craig Woolery, Director of Public Safety from the Cottage Grove Police Department; Paul Ramsour, Supervisor of the Life Transitions Program at YouthLink; and Giovanni Alvarado, a 17 year old student at St. James Public School who credited his personal change from getting in trouble to now wanting to become a lawyer on his participation in the St. James Youth Intervention Program. Everyone who shared their story was well received and members of the Committee were fully engaged and interested in the importance of early youth intervention.
Because of dedicated and supportive members, colleagues, constituents and program supporters, YIPA is now one step closer to achieving our mission: To ensure that early intervention youth programs are embraced and well equipped to provide high quality and cost effective early intervention youth services.
Thank you to everyone who came out to show your support!