With family counseling, community justice programs and school-based programs, the YSB provides a range of options to young people who are struggling with violence, chemical dependency, mental health issues, truancy, and low-level offenses.
The YSB’s long history in no way keeps it from constantly pushing for new and better ways to serve youth. In the last few years, the YSB has teamed up with public schools and School Resource Officers to provide a unique kind of school-based program for young people with deep anger issues. This program, START: Social Skills Training and Aggression Reduction Techniques, was recently featured as a YIPA training, provided by Dr. Sheldon Braaten. Sandy Fuller, Development Director of the Youth Service Bureau, has been generous enough to share this story with us:
Pablo was like the mouse in the corner…unseen and unheard. He avoided talking to anyone and tried to disappear in the background. Yet, when someone did say something he didn’t like, he would “flip out.”
A school caseworker tried to reach out to Pablo. His only response was that everyone would be better off if he were dead.
At home, Pablo felt left out. His brother got all of the attention. No one seemed to have time for him.
School officials recommended Pablo for the START program. As part of a preliminary assessment for the program, Pablo completed the “How I Think” survey. All of his scores were in the warning range, indicating a “time bomb” about to explode.
Pablo found it hard to trust others. As he began to trust others in the START group, he also began talking to other people, including his case manager and his brother. Once he started to let his feeling show, he would actually smile and enjoy the attention from others as they recognized his accomplishments.
As graduation from START drew near, several gang members, including a fellow START participant, physically assaulted Pablo. Others feared that the fragile trust he was developing would disappear. Instead Pablo reached out to his fellow START colleagues for ways to resolve the conflict without violence. He accepted an offered apology and then moved on with his day, using his new coping skills.
At the START graduation, Pablo quickly and loudly volunteered to tell his story first. Even the group leaders were amazed that this shy young man was bursting to share his success with others.
Pablo’s mom was reluctant to attend graduation for fear that she would not understand any thing. Pablo’s brother encouraged her to come. Through the YSB intern, who translated the entire event for her, Mom told the group how proud she was of Pablo’s accomplishments and how much he changed over the past three months.
Since the START program began, disciplinary office visits for START participants have been cut in half! Many of the young people involved have gone from “warning” to “okay” on the “How I Think” scale. More schools are getting excited about this technique and School Resource Officers from other towns are sitting in on sessions to observe and learn.
Another great YSB program is for young people who have been diverted from the juvenile justice system. The YSB provides counseling, classes based on type of offense (theft prevention, fire safety etc.) and also runs community service work crews. One such crew was featured in the Stillwater Gazette this week! Here are some YSB young people cleaning graffiti off of a historic building in Stillwater.

Here at YIPA, we are so grateful for all of the amazing work that our member organizations do! They are the front lines for improving the lives of young people across Minnesota. It can be hard and sometimes unappreciated work, so we want to make sure and thank each and every one of you that has devoted your life to this work. Do you know an extraordinary organization or individual that should be highlighted here? Send your suggestions to cryan@mnyipa.org.
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